Friday, 22 May 2015

Sex in Game of Thrones

Some Of The Women  Are  Sexy  And  Powerful  In  Game Of Thrones

There is  a lot   of  sex  in Game  of  Thrones

Micheal Lombardo,  HBO's president of  programming says ' We don't want to be a censor that inhibits the authentic organic creative process by policing how many breasts should be on a show he says.

The  hot and steamy Mother of Dragons has  had her fair share of sex scenes on Game of Thrones but she really  hasn't done anything like  this before. She  admitted  that doing   nude scenes was tricky,  but she  believed that  it  was integral  for  her character.

Lena Headly  sparked a  major controversy when her character engaged in incestuous sex with her on-screen  brother. Cersei is now about to have a major  nude scene where she  is stripped naked in a church and  goes for a walk of shame. Because   of  the controversy the  producers have decided to  film the scene  on a fake church set.

Righteous hero Jon Snow is  a breath  of fresh air amidst the  often twisted personalities in  the  show. Oddly  enough Kit Harrington  watched his  sex scene  with  his parents. He  must  be  strange !

Animal Totems

All  of  the Great  Houses in Game of Thrones  have animal  symbols  as totems on  their flags and armour.
This  goes part and parcel with   their family pride and could  have  something to do with the problems between  Houses and  how  they  are always  fighting  .

If  there is  an  overall message  that we can take from Game Of Thrones and use in  the real world, then   it  is perhaps,   ' We all need to be a little less Game Of Thronesy '

Acidental Anal ?

That  is the end of this blog post

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